Creatrix Tiara performing as the Queer Lady Magician at Crack X Festival, Newcastle, 2018. They are holding up a menstrual cup. An array of magical props is on the table in front of them. Pic by LazyBones.
About Me
I’m creatrix tiara.
I call myself a shenaniganist - someone who gets up to (creative and benevolent) shenanigans. I’ve worked on a wide plethora of skills and experiences - creative producing & directing, performance art, writing & media, games culture, journalism, online content creation, activism, advocacy, administration, management, education, youth work, business, events, research, and much much more.
I’m the sort of person that likes to try anything that looks interesting - it’s gotten me into a lot of fantastic adventures! Among other things, I’m the first Awards Lead for Freeplay (Independent Games Festival), the Network Coordinator for the Social Enterprise Network of Victoria, and a Unit Leader with Girl Guides Victoria. I also make online content about stage magic in video games based on my decolonial feminist anti-racist stage magic & storytelling show Queer Lady Magician; produced, directed, and presented a Fringe Festival entirely on Animal Crossing: New Horizons; organised a community town hall to discuss options for arts funding outside the Government grants model; produced and directed experimental interdisciplinary performance art for LGBTQIA+ disabled performance collective Quippings; developed a Secret Society-themed online & in-person ARG for The Village Festival; wrote about pop culture, current affairs, and interpersonal advice for leading LGBTQIA+ women’s web magazine Autostraddle, made games about the annoyance of immigration and the Travel Ban - and that’s just scratching the surface!
The Situation
My job with SENVIC wraps up in mid-January 2024 and my first major deliverable for the Freeplay Awards is at the end of February 2024 before going dormant for a little while, which leaves the rest of 2024 relatively open. So I’m looking for jobs or other opportunities to take on for the rest of 2024 and beyond - and I’d like your help!
I’ve listed some options below, sort of vision-board-style - take a look and see if any of them spark ideas!
(I will still have other responsibilities like Girl Guides and family matters, but they are relatively flexible.)
The Options
I’m looking for part-time (0.6 / 3 days/week preferred) or full time work, in Melbourne Australia (accessible by public transport) or remote/hybrid. Short-term travel is possible.
Possible Roles: arts management, project management, organising/coordination, live/events/stage producing, media, community cultural development, games culture, admin, education, advocacy, presenting
See my LinkedIn or my portfolio for more!
image credits: Marissa Grootes, Jason Goodman
I’d love to gain more experience and skills in both directing for stage (theatre, circus, etc) and artistic direction (for organisations and festivals).
Ideas: traineeships, apprenticeships, courses (especially with scholarships), shadowing
image credits: Hamish Kale, Rendy Novantino
I’m feeling nostalgic for an Up with People style multinational creative gallivant (like my 2005 trip) or even something like the Royal Carribean Ultimate World Cruise. A travel job would be great, but a pleasure or leisure trip is just as welcomed.
I’m also looking into artist residencies - I don’t have a specific project in mind yet, but just being elsewhere will likely be enough to spark ideas. (Perhaps an Artist Residency on the Ultimate World Cruise?)
I have an Australian passport and a No Visa Required sticker for Bangladesh. I’m also super familiar with visas.
image credits: Agus Dietrich, ben o’bro
I got into VTubing’s lo-fi cousin PNGTubing partly as a way to hone my voice acting skills (and gain a post-COVID creative outlet). I do have some experience as Storm in the Love and Luck Podcast but I’d love to invest more time and energy into this or any other facet of online content creation.
Things that would help: a proper VTuber avatar (esp if it can look like an Ace Attorney character), a video editor, help to set up a home voice recording space and/or make use of the nearby library recording studios, help with making demo reels/agency audition videos
image credits: milaza_zo, Will Francis
One of my current major passions involves the ways that performing arts and video games can be brought together - representations of performing arts in video games, live adaptations of video game stories, using video games as a platform to put on a show, and so on.
I’ve even done a talk about this - for the performing arts industry and the games industry.
I’ve been trying to get an English stage adaptation of The Great Ace Attorney off the ground, but need to find a company to partner with to get the license. I’m also noodling on the idea of a performance troupe that makes work based on video game/pop culture IP. Open to other opportunities too! (also - Hoyoverse please hire me, you’re doing the best work in this area thus far!)
image credits: Hoyoverse, Kobe Shimbun
Immersive performance, experiential design, interactive art - all of those are my jam. A performance that isn’t just on stage with an audience but envelopes you thoroughly into an interactive, full-on experience.
I’ve done workshops with Odyssey Works and would love to do their Experience Design certificate or Master Classes, though I’ll need funding. The term “Experience Design” isn’t as common here in Australia, though there’s plenty of work that fits the bill (e.g. basically anything in Next Wave). It’d be great to do more work in this vein and also build up a body of local practitioners.
image credits: Odyssey Works
I read Priya Parker’s The Art of Gathering and I am super inspired! Similar to experience design, I’d love to learn ways to build experiences for people to gather that are meaningful, supportive, creative, and fun.
There is an Art of Gathering course that caught my eye, though again I need to gather funds for it. I’d also be interested in more practical experience (jobs, training, etc) and meeting up with other people interested in crafting gatherings.
image credits: Valiant Made, tribesh kayastha
Is there something else you think I’d be a great fit for? Have an opportunity or idea that you want to float past me? Sometimes the best options are the ones we didn’t even think of at the start. I’m open to experiment!
image credits: Ugo Mendes Donelli, Javier Allegue Barros
How To Help? Get In Touch!
Got any opportunities that will fit any of the above options? Want to find out more and brainstorm together? Or just want to send a note of encouragement? Get in touch!
Find Me Online
Facebook: Creatrix Tiara
TikTok: @creatrixtiara
Twitter/X: @creatrixtiara
Instagram/Threads: @creatrixtiara
LinkedIn: Tiara S. (Creatrix Tiara)
Twitch: @creatrixtiara
YouTube: Creatrix Tiara
Discord: creatrixtiara